Arriving in Jakobstad

Bus, train and flight schedules available at:

By Plane

The closest airport to Jakobstad is Kokkola-Pietarsaari Airport (Swedish: Karleby-Jakobstad Airport) located in Kronoby (Finnish: Kruunupyy), 30 kilometres north-east of Jakobstad town centre. The airport offers connections to Helsinki.

Kokkola-Pietarsaari Airport Contact Information:

Visiting address: Flygarevägen 162, 68500 Kronoby

Opening hours: The terminal is open according to the flight schedule.

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Further information and reservations:

Fly to Jakobstad!


Connect Karleby-Jakobstad


Transportation between the airport and Jakobstad (taxi):

City Taxi Jeppis, tel. +358 50 550 9866,

Taxi Jakobstad, tel. +358 100 0417

By Train

Jakobstad-Pedersöre railway station is located in Bennäs, approx. 10 km from Jakobstad. There are several daily connections to both south and north

Address: Stationsvägen 13, 68910 Bennäs
Waiting room open daily 00.00–23.59.

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The train ride Helsinki-Jakobstad takes about 3,5 hours, Tampere-Jakobstad about 2 hours and Oulu-Jakobstad 2,5 hours.

Further information and reservations: VR

Transportation between the train station and Jakobstad:

There is a shuttle bus service available from Jakobstad bus station to Jakobstad-Pedersöre railway station. Please check the latest timetable for possible changes.

Further information and timetables: Ingsva

Taxi Jakobstad, tel. +358 100 0417

City Taxi Jeppis, tel. +358 050 550 9866

By Bus

The Jakobstad bus station is located in the heart of the town. There are several daily connections to various destinations including Vaasa, Nykarleby and Kokkola.

Adress: Jakobsgatan 7, 68600 Jakobstad

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The bus stop for busses is at Hotel Polaris, approx. 10 km from the town centre. offers many different inter-city routes across Finland, including Turku, Oulu and Helsinki.

Further information, reservations, and timetables:


Getting around in Jakobstad

Vippari Public Transport

The public transport in Jakobstad is based on real-time demand.

The Vippari minibus picks you up from where you are and takes you to your destination without transfers. The minibus must be called from the booking centre or via internet at least one hour prior to the journey.

The booking centre is open Monday–Friday 7.30am to 3.30pm (closed for lunch 11am to 12 pm)

A single trip costs:
• Adults 4,00 €
• Children 2,00 €

For more information and reservations please call the booking centre tel. +358 6 781 1708

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Taxi Jakobstad, tel. +358 100 417
Taxi Station at Rådhusgatan 2, next to the old Town Hall

City Taxi Jeppis, tel. +358 50 550 9866