Jakobstad’s Water’s information on 16 October

Due to the changes in the taste and colour of the water, the waterworks is providing drinking water from the neighbouring municipalities in tankers at the market square. The distribution is staffed until 16 today, Monday 16 October 2023. During the evening it is still possible to collect water from the tankers into your own canisters even though there are no personnel.

The on-call personnel from the waterworks will regularly check that the tankers do not run empty.

The plan is to provide water at the square until the situation improves. Tomorrow, Tuesday, there will be staff on site to hand out water at 9–16. Other times are self-service. Bring your own canister if you are collecting water.

The Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia reminds that if using and drinking the water causes for example stomach issues, there is not necessarily need for medical attention. The Wellbeing Services County encourages people to call 116117 before going to the emergency clinic.